In the period from 18 to 22 November, training is being held on the preparation, retraining and advanced training of employees of «Temirzhol Zhondeu» LLP.
In the period from September 18 to September 24 of this year. a working trip of the management staff of «Kamkor Management» LLP, Director General D.T. Suleimenov, Deputy General Director G.T. Musagalieva, Managing Director for New Projects I.S. Karsybekov, General Director of «Temirzhol Zhondeu» LLP A.A. Terekbaev, as well as General Director of «TEK-Kazakhstan» TH» LLP D.M. Khasenov to the Republic of Moldova, within the framework of the railway restructuring project «Design and rehabilitation of the Bendery-Besarabyaska-Etulia-Giurgiulesti railway section».